About the Business Excellence Awards

enter the awards
nominate a business

Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce & Industry is excited to announce the inaugural Bunbury Geographe Business Excellence Awards in 2024.

Celebrating, rewarding and recognising our Region’s business excellence, our gala event will be one to remember!

Awards provide businesses the opportunity to be rewarded and recognised for their success. The confidence it can create is unparallel. It can be a catalyst for business growth and expansion, and often propels businesses to enter new markets and take the leap to the next stage of their operations.

This is a chance to celebrate the incredible businesses we have in our region who are setting the benchmarks of business excellence. Businesses will be eligible to enter if they are located and/or operate primarily in the Bunbury Geographe Region, consisting of Bunbury, Capel, Dardanup, Harvey, Collie and Donnybrook-Balingup.

The awards are open to all businesses, regardless of Chamber membership.

In April 2024, the Regional Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA is hosting the inaugural Regional Business Excellence Awards in Perth. Winners from each regional Chamber of Commerce award are eligible to be entered into the RCCIWA awards and compete against other businesses from around the state. This has prompted us to ignite our Business Excellence Awards, to ensure our local businesses can represent our region.  Our 2024 winners will be able to enter the 2025 Regional Business Excellence awards. Let’s celebrate our business community together.

Sponsorship Opportunities available: Sponsorship Prospectus